About | Clement & Associates

Clement & Associates (C&A) was established in 2009 as an accounting consulting, founded by national economic think tank, Dato Dr. Clement Tan. Since 201...

Corporate Advisory @ Clement & Associates

About | Clement & Associates

Clement & Associates (C&A) was established in 2009 as an accounting consulting, founded by national economic think tank, Dato Dr. Clement Tan. Since 201...


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Never Waste A Good Crisis

Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)

Corporate Profile
Corporate Profile

Clement & Associates (C&A) was established in 2009 as an accounting consulting, founded by national economic think tank, Dato Dr. Clement Tan. Since 2015, Clement & Associates (C&A) has repositioned into a comprehensive corporate advisory firm, providing a broader variety of professional services and an international coverage of affiliated networks through the experience of providing professional services to companies amongst the Fortune 500, multinational corporations, listed companies and also engaged in numerous projects from the belt and road initiative.

Corporate Profile

Dato Dr. Clement Tan delivered a keynote speech regarding the theme “China’s Smart Manufacturing” and “Belt and Road Initiative” on the First China Digital Economy & Artificial Intelligence Development Forum and interviewed regarding on the conversation matter of “China’s Smart Manufacturing to The World” which was later published on Information China Journal, directed under National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China.

Social Responsibility

There are over 400 million children living in areas impacted by ongoing armed conflicts and many are forcibly displaced, sometimes orphaned and unaccompanied, in search of safety. From Afghanistan to Syria, Iraq to Yemen, these child victims' fundamental rights are often flagrantly violated in the name of barbaric and cruel activities, which made them vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and trafficking. Clement and Associates (C&A) pledge to contribute 5% of the company’s revenue to the "World War Children's Care Foundation", providing the child victims of war an environment of safety and certainty. Meanwhile encouraging all C&A associates to participate in the contribution of this charity movement.

Global Think Tank

The C&A Global Think Tank Group gathers the world’s elite think tanks and research institutions, connecting national and international experts and professionals in the service of global citizenship. The C&A Global Think Tank Group consistently publishes analysis and policy-oriented research regarding on agendas such as global politics, global economic & culture development, business transformations, etc, providing our corporate clients a greater perception on contemporary economic theses, business mechanisms and strategic solutions.

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